How to create the perfect cozy fall morning routine

Fall is a cosy and magical time of the year. To get the most out of this season enjoy a cosy fall morning routine which includes fall breakfast ideas, and fall morning drinks to try.

nighttime picture

Plan the night before

An effective morning routine is planned the night before. This makes sure you target your needs before your routine begins.

Firstly, figure out your goal for the morning. For instance, if your goal is to complete a workout, then lay out your workout clothes so that you can see them first thing in the morning. Pack what you need for the gym (water bottle, jacket, sneakers, towel, etc.) and leave it by the door. If you working out from home, choose and save to watch later the YouTube workout video that you will be doing.

The goal is to have a smooth morning that lets you complete priority tasks, eliminating mundane tasks that will take up your time and mental energy.

Night time routine checklist to follow

  • Write down a to-do list
  • Layout exercise clothes
  • Set necessary alarms
  • Layout your outfit for the next day
  • Prepare breakfast or think of what you’ll eat so you will already know what to prepare for the next day
  • Pack a bag you will need
  • Check your calendar
pumpkin spice latte

Have a fall morning drink

Start your morning with a fall morning drink. But first, I’ll always recommend drinking a glass of water. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning has benefits such as

  • Hydrating your body after 7+ hours of the night of not having water to drink which leaves your body dehydrated
  • Boots energy and mood and starts your metabolism for the day
  • Wakes up your body. I always explain it as switching on the warehouse plugs after they are off for a while.

Afterwards, you can go for a classic warm cup of coffee or tea.

To keep in theme for fall, enjoy a cup of pumpkin pie latte

Related: 55 our our favorite fall drinks

apple cinnamon oats

Eat breakfast

Nothing says cosy like a warm and hearty meal. Continue your morning with these three healthy fall breakfast options, perfect for fuelling you up for the day.

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Option one is a classic breakfast meal – oatmeal. An apple cinnamon-flavoured oatmeal is easy to make, warm, and filling. What I love about this option is that the ingredients you need to make it are probably in your pantry and fridge already, so you saving some time and a few bucks.

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • Oats
  • Cinnamon
  • Milk
  • Apples
  • Salt
  • Sugar or honey
  • Chopped nuts(optional)


  1. Place oats, milk, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt in a small pot.
  2. Let it simmer for about 15 – 20 minutes on medium heat. Regularly check as usually the milk overflows and can make a mess
  3. After 20 minutes, transfer the cooked oats to a bowl
  4. While it cools, cut an apple into small dice
  5. Add sugar or honey to the oats for taste (optional)
  6. Place a handful of the diced apples on top of the oats
  7. You can also add some cinnamon on top as well, and chopped nuts

Pumpkin Pie Spice Pancakes

Still sticking to the breakfast classics but giving it the fall twist. Option two is these pumpkin spice pancakes. They smell so good!

Pumpkin Pie French Toast

Option three is for anyone who has time in the morning because it needs time to prepare. I recommend doing it on a Sunday morning, perfectly stocked for the mornings in the week ahead. This breakfast option might also make you take a visit to the grocery store but I promise it will be worth it. This cosy pumpkin pie French toast bake recipe is the easiest way to enjoy all the warm, autumnal flavours you love. Find the recipe here

Stay cozy and read a book

Is there a book you’ve been meaning to start or finish off? Maybe one of your goals this year was to decrease your phone screen time and increase your reading time. Whatever it is, reading a book in the morning is a perfect way to unwind in the morning before a busy day ahead and a great cosy morning routine idea. Just imagine it – book in your head, warm cup of coffee by your side, cosy socks and pyjamas still on from the night before, cosy fireplace ambience on the TV screen, candlelit, the smell of fall all around you. Sounds dreamy doesn’t it? It’s a time to spend time with yourself, and have some peace.

Besides the beautiful setting I just described, reading in the morning can have some benefits too:

  • Whatever you read, you’ll be able to apply it to your day since it is fresh in your mind, enabling you to increase some life skills
  • It reduces stress and anxiety because you can focus on one thing instead of juggling many things in the morning – as one usually does without a morning routine set
  • Positive brain stimulation
  • Expanding your vocabulary
  • Feeling good about yourself because you know you doing something that is benefiting you and pouring into your cup


  • Reading isn’t something to be rushed. It is time-consuming so this is for those slow mornings. If not, carve out 15-30 minutes of your time by waking up early so you can read
  • Eliminate distractions by putting your phone on Do Not Disturb or in another room. Switch off your TV. If you live with others, ask for quiet time in the morning, or wait until they have left

Reading List

If you looking for new reads, try the following books:

I’m glad my mom died 

The debut memoir of former iCarly actress Jennette McCurdy. This book reflects on the emotional abuse she received from her emotionally unstable and demanding mother. The book has great reviews with 4.8/5 stars.

Born a crime 

This book is by South African-born comedian Trevor Noah. He writes about his childhood. The title includes how he was born a crime because he has a black mom and a white dad. During the time Trevor was born, in the 1980s was the apartheid era in South Africa. Interracial relationships were a crime. The book is hilarious, heartfelt, eye-opening, and a must-read.

Top 5 regrets of dying 

By Bronnie Ware. A nurse counselling and caring for the dying recorded their biggest regrets in life – the top two being they wished they didn’t work so hard, and they wished they had the courage to live true to themselves and not what others expected from them. This is a book which we can learn from the wisdom of others.


This book by Colleen Hoover has been trending on BookTok. It’s a psychological thriller about struggling author Lowe Ashleigh and how she took a job to finish three books by a famous author. While she is on the job she discovers lots of secrets and opens Pandora’s Box

Related: 25 novels you need to read this fall

Take time to yourself and journal

Morning journaling is a mindful practice that lets you write down all your thoughts without judgment and focus on your goals. It’s a daily habit that can change your life. It’s a chance to reflect on your day, identify what you’re grateful for, and plan for the day.

You’ll love journaling in the morning because:

  • It’s the easiest time to do so in your day because you’re fresh and full of energy. It can be difficult to write when you tired
  • It’s a perfect time to set your intentions for the day and collect small and big wins
  • It is usually quiet and peaceful in the mornings
  • It’s a great alternative to reaching out to your phone and scrolling on social media
  • It is time to reflect on your life before your day starts
  • It brings peace

Journal prompts

  • How do I feel this morning?
  • How do I want my day to look like?
  • What 1 thing do I want to accomplish today?
  • List 5 things I am grateful for
  • What are my intentions for the day? 
fall decorations ideas

How to decorate your place for fall

To have the perfect cosy morning routine, your place needs to look the part to get into the mood and spirit of fall to create the perfect cozy environment including but not limited to soft blankets and seasonal scents.

Simple ways you can decorate your place and get into the fall spirit:

  1. Swap your pillows, cushions and blankets with fall colours or fall themed.
  2. Get some fall-themed candles that will make your place into the autumn mood smelling like cinnamon spice, and pumpkin spice.
  3. Put on the fireplaces. If you don’t have a fireplace play a fireplace ambience from Youtube(link) on your TV screen. It gives off the same vibe without having a fireplace.
  4. Decorate your place with fall or red leaves with branches and put them in a vase. Leave a few across your place
  5. Decorate your place with an autumn colour palette in mind. Include shades of orange, red and brown all over your place.

Related: 16 home décor ideas for fall

More on the blog:

  1. The 7-step teeth cleaning routine at home 
  2. 5 reasons to start a morning routine 
  3. How to create a morning routine that you will love 
  4. The 8 self-soothing techniques for adults 
  5. 10-minute morning stretch routine for tight muscles