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Building healthy habits to kickstart your day on a good note

meet Lutho Kondlo

morning and breakfast lover

Hi, my name is Lutho. I’m 23 years old and I love mornings! I love everything about mornings: breakfast, my morning routine, the fresh air you smell when you open your windows from your room, the light streaming in your bedroom window when you open the curtains, and getting ready for the day.

I’m not going to lie it hasn’t always been like this. Before lockdown, I would stay in bed the whole day and wake up late which left me sluggish and tired. I was like I’ve slept the whole day; why do I still feel tired?

Until I developed a morning routine. I woke up earlier, drank water, stretched my body, journaled, and worked out.

It really improved my mood in the morning and always leaves me refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. It’s my favorite part of my day and the reason why I wanted to start new mornings.

If you struggling to be productive in the mornings, feeling sluggish, and want to change your habits or you are just a morning lover then this is a place for you.

Get to know me!

Lutho right now


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