Benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning

Drinking water first thing in the morning has been part of my morning routine for 2 years now. I first learnt of the practice by watching a YouTube video suggesting it. I didn’t like feeling tired and sluggish in the morning and needed a boost. I tried it out, and I felt better. I felt good. I would describe it as taking a cold plunge inside your body. If you’ve ever taken a cold plunge then you know the feeling I’m talking about, and the feeling after it.

Water is essential 

Our body is made up of 60% water and as we know water is an essential nutrient our body needs for our overall well-being. Because it is an essential nutrient, it means that our body doesn’t make enough of it so it is our job to provide it with the water it needs to function. Our body needs water so organs and tissues can ensure bodily functions. We lose water daily through sweat, urine, breathing and bowel movement. So we need to top up, to make sure we meet the correct consumption we need for the day for our bodies.

Drinking water first thing in the morning 

From my research, I have concluded that drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is good but is not necessary. The time of day, when you hydrate, should not be specific, just as long as you keep your body hydrated. So don’t feel bad if this is a practice you have not done. If this is something that you are curious about then definitely try it out.

This is part of my routine because it makes me feel good. So I’ll be sharing some good points it brings as well. 

Helps you wake up

When you wake up in the morning you are naturally in a dehydrated state because you haven’t been drinking water for about 7+ hours. You also feel tired and sluggish. Drinking a cold glass of water wakes up the body letting your body know it’s ready for the day. 

Boost mental performance 

Because you’ve been sleeping for about 7+ hours, your body is naturally dehydrated which can lead to brain fog and headache. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning can help you concentrate and help you get on top of things. This is great if you have things to do that require your mental performance to be on top, like school or work.

Stimulates metabolism 

Water no matter what time of day gets your metabolism going especially cold water. If you are someone who is looking to shed some body fat then be ahead of your game and try drinking water in the morning. Staying hydrated helps your body start to burn calories faster, which is vital when you’re trying to shed body fat

Promotes digestion and toxins being flushed out 

Water eases constipation and gets things moving because of the breakdown of food. Water also flushes out toxins. This is something that can help if you are someone who experiences digestive problems, bloating, and acid reflexes. 

Keeps you fuller for a little longer 

If you are someone who isn’t keen on eating breakfast so early in the morning, but you need a healthy option to give you a boost and energy to help wake you up, then a cold glass of water first thing waking up will do the trick. The sensation of water slows down the sensation of hunger and the urge to eat.

It’s not every morning I wake up and feel like a breakfast meal right away. Sometimes I’m just not hungry. I simply have a glass of water and carry on with my activities and eat when I’m ready. That glass of water keeps me full until I’m ready for a delicious breakfast.


Water is an essential nutrient, and because of that, our body doesn’t produce enough of it for its bodily function. That’s why it’s our job to increase our water intake so our organs and tissues can perform to their max potential. That being said, drinking water first thing in the morning isn’t necessary, as long as you keep hydrated throughout your day. You can add a slice of lemon and mint leaves for taste if the water is too bland for you. It’s a personal choice and preference which does come with its benefits.